healthy life

  • Side hustles for senior citizens

    You have probably heard a lot about Side hustles. I wasn’t sure exactly what they were until I Googled them. They are wonderful activities to make a little money on the side. That’s all they are. Side hustles for senior citizens sound great. You can have a side hustle at any age. You might…

  • Activities for Senior Citizens

    When you retire, a former colleague will ask you about your current activities. Do you have a good answer? There are great activities for senior citizens when they retire. I am an affiliate member of ads shown. If you purchase anything from them, I will receive a small commission. Please see my full affiliate…

  • Senior Citizen Travel

    Planning a trip while you are still working or your children are growing up can be challenging. But now you are retired, and the kids are all grown up. Its time for senior citizen travel. Travel obstacle when you were younger You probably did a little traveling before retirement, but there are always hassles.…

  • Reinventing Yourself: Fun Ways to Enjoy Retirement

    Retirement is here… Has getting older made you feel useless or invisible? I can understand why you would feel that way. You are not working anymore and feel like you aren’t contributing or doing your share. Yet, you have worked for decades and contributed a lot. There are lots of things to do to…